Peru's ag exports to Vietnam rise 45%

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Peru's ag exports to Vietnam rise 45%

Peru’s Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG) has announced the country's agricultural exports to Vietnam rose 44.9% to US$2.66 million in the first four months of 2011, website reported.

The ministry reported 1069.8 metric tons (MT) of agricultural products were shipped to the South East Asian country with grapes as the main product, representing 93,9% of the total with a value of US$2.5 million.

The second largest agricultural export was marigold coloring matter, or xantophyll, representing 4.1% of exports, followed by carmine (3%), the story reported.

Peru's imports of Vietnamese agricultural goods during the period were slightly higher with a value of US$2.73 million with rubber and crepe sheets as the main products.

Authorization was given on Friday for representatives of Peru's Ministry of Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR) to travel to Ho Chi Minh city to participate in the seventh round of Transpacific Partnership Agreement negotiations from Jun. 15 to 24.

Photo: Quest World Travel

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