Matooke banana production on the rise in Uganda
Uganda's National Agricultural Advisory Services (Naads) has promoted increased Matooke banana production in the country's north in a bid to help families improve their income, website reported.
The story reported the variety was particularly popular in the Dokolo district, as well as with long distance truck drivers on their way to Sudan.
The special improved variety has been sold to farmers by the National Agricultural Research Laboratories Institute Kawanda, and was originally developed in the Buganda region, the story reported.
Grower Christine Opio told the website the Matooke had helped her family improve their land's productivity.
"This team from Naads gave us some few seedlings which we planted on part of our one acre land and since then we have expanded the project and our banana plantation now occupies two acres of land," she was quoted as saying.
The banana variety is also known as Matoke and Ibitoke.