Market Pulse week 35 — 2011
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 35 — 2011 (Sep. 2)
In North America, the Southern Hemisphere season was almost over in the U.S., making way for domestic volumes.
In Latin America, low availability continued for imported apples.
In Northern Europe, trading of imported fruit was expected to continue until mid-September.
In the Middle East, the market was transitioning to Northern Hemisphere supply, starting with French Gala apples. Imported apple sales pace was also low due to the end of fasting month Ramadan, both in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
In Asia, Southern Hemisphere arrivals continued on a downward trend in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.
In North America, Mexican avocado arrivals increased in the U.S., leading to price adjustments for all suppliers.
In Latin America, prices rose for Chilean Hass avocadoes in the Argentine market.
In Europe, scarce Hass availability was complemented by Ryan and Nabal varieties from Peru and South Africa.
Easy Peelers
In North America, new price adjustments were registered for imported clementines on the U.S. West Coast.
In Europe, the market remained stable with sales improvement seen for Ellendale mandarins.
In the Middle East, the market remained stable while consumers showed a preference for the Honey Murcott variety, but citrus prices in general changed due to a different market dynamic.
In Asia, slow inventory rotation was seen in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, with scarce imported supply registered in Japan.
In North America, low availability was observed for Chilean Hayward kiwifruit in the U.S. as the season neared its end.
In Latin America, Chilean Hayward kiwifruit were expected to be traded until late September in the Brazilian market.
In Europe, arrivals were decreasing but healthy inventory rotation continued.
In the Middle East, Southern Hemisphere kiwifruit sales pace was low due to the end of fasting month Ramadan, both in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
In Asia, Chilean arrivals in Japan were lower, leading to a stable market.
In North America, imported volumes were appropriate given demand in the U.S., where similar prices were registered for Chilean and Mexican fruit.
In Northern Europe, moderate trading continued with price adjustments reported for Argentine lemon supply.
In the Middle East, active sales pace continued despite changed prices for the citrus category in general.
In Asia, stable market activity was seen in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, while Californian volumes were still sold on consignment in Japan due to the high availability of imports.
In North America, low South African arrivals were registered in the U.S.
In Europe, better sales activity was observed for small-size fruit.
In the Middle East, some lots of South African navel oranges showed quality problems and a shorter shelf life, while citrus prices in general changed due to a different market dynamic.
In Asia, moderate trading remained for Southern Hemisphere supply in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.
iQonsulting/ edited by www.freshfruitportal