NZ kiwifruit growers support Commodity Levy
A referendum given to New Zealand's kiwifruit growers has found 87% are in favor of a commodity levy to support the representative body's activities, website reported.
The survey was conducted by NZ Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated (NZKGI), whose president Peter Ombler said the response was a 'strong endorsement' from growers, the story reported.
"NZKGI is the only kiwifruit grower body with members actually elected by all kiwifruit growers. We were already mandated by the democratic process to speak on behalf of growers, but the overwhelming support for our funding and activities further strengthens this mandate," Ombler was quoted as saying.
"The support referendum result flies in the face of self-appointed ‘spokespeople’ and other self-interested parties who have recently tried to give the impression of widespread division amongst growers.
"Commodity Levy funding will strengthen NZKGI by making its funding independent and directly accountable to growers. A strong grower organisation will be part of seeing our grower community through the current challenges of Psa and unfavourable exchange rates."