Exporters to bridge the gap with buyers in Chilean event

Exporters to bridge the gap with buyers in Chilean event

Chilean fruit exporter Hortach says the upcoming FRUITTRADE event in Santiago, Chile on Sep. 28 and 29 will help bridge the gap between small growers and main buyers overseas.

"We want to be the bridge between the local producer that can't afford a tour to promote their product abroad, with those buyers who are looking for new products and formats," says Hortach president Alejandro Cifuentes.

"At the same time we intend to get closer to bring the main buyers from Chile and local producers together, in a way that generates new business opportunities."

Chilean Union Fedefruta has released information on more of the talks to take place at the event, including a panel of European buyers for the seminar 'Opportunities in the European market for Chilean export vegetables'. Ban Choon Marketing sales manager Pak Chek Ling, will also give a talk on the projections for Chilean fresh produce in Singapore.

Wal Mart Chile vegetable division manager Manuel José Larraín will give a speech on the retail demands placed on fresh and semi-processed horticultural goods. After that, Supermercados Zona Sul Rio de Janeiro purchasing manager Carlos Cury will discuss the opportunities for Chilean products in Latin American markets.

FRUITTRADE will also take a close look at what the U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act will mean for exporters, explaining how they can comply with the more stringent protocols.


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