Low demand affects strong Brazilian melon crop

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Low demand affects strong Brazilian melon crop

The Brazilian Fruit Institute (IBRAF) expects the country's melon exports won't change significantly this year despite a very good crop.

IBRAF agronomist Cloves Ribeiro Neto has told www.freshfruitportal.com the industry's strongest production period began in October, with 2011 exports forecast to close at 170,000 metric tons (MT).

"Melons have been of very good quality this year across the varieties, as the weather has favored them a lot - it's been better than last year when a lot of rain affected the quality," he said.

"But demand has fallen though, as has been the trend in recent years, and our markets are unstable economies right now."

He said Brazil exported 66,000 metric tons (MT) between January and February this year, while around 90% of exports are bound for Europe.

Despite the problems in destination markets, the negative effects have been partly offset by a local boom in demand.

"Our domestic market has been going really well, it's very attractive for growers, and that helps alleviate the losses they have had a little bit," he said.

Related story: Latin American melon farmers could suffer from U.S. disease scare

Photo: Central American Data


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