Peru records artichoke export spike

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Peru records artichoke export spike

Peruvian artichoke exports rose by 77%  year-on-year to US$39.1 million between January and August, website reported.

Figures released by the country's Association of Exporters (ADEX), showed the growth was driven by prepared artichoke exports with a rise in shipments of 78%.

Shipments of the relatively small 'fresh and refrigerated artichoke' category dropped 65% to US$23,000 during the period, the story reported.

Shipments to the U.S. grew 90% year-on-year during the period to US$23 million, with Spain as the second-largest buyer at US$7.7 million (growth of 68%), followed by France (US$5.2 million) and Canada (US$912,519), the story reported. The latter notched growth of 117%.

However, it should be noted the bulk of Peru's artichoke exports are usually towards the end of the calendar year so it is still yet to be seen how the vegetable will fare overall for 2011.

ADEX figures showed Danper Trujillo S.A.C. was the largest Peruvian artichoke exporter with shipment values of US$9.8 million, followed by Danper Arequipa S.A.C. (US$8.8 million), Sociedad Agrícola Virú S.A. (US$8.4 million), Alsur Perú S.A.C. (US$5 million) and pen World Export S.A.C. (US$2.2 million).

Photo: Farrel Gerbode

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