Chile cracks open South Korean shelled nut market
Chilean nut producers have finally gained access to the South Korean market after three years of persistent campaigning.
Chile's agricultural attaché in South Korea Fernando Thauby, said South Korean doors would be open for shelled nut imports from the middle of next year.
The nut industry (Chilenut) says the news is the result of years of persistent campaigning together with the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (ODEPA) and the government's Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG).
Chilenut said it was grateful for all the support the industry has received in gaining access to the South Korean market.
"We are taking this opportunity to publicly thank everyone who supported us in this long quest, which has finally borne fruit," the organization said.
Thauby sent out a notice of the revised South Korea's plant protection rules last week.
He said the government would be releasing more information about the implications and requirements for exporting shelled nuts to shortly.