'Argentine blockade' leads to Falkland Islands fresh produce shortage
Argentine pressure on Latin American countries not to ship to the Falkland Islands has led to a fruit and vegetable shortage, website Lanacion.com.ar reported.
British army veteran Frank Leyland told the website he had been unable to buy bananas in three weeks, while many other foods were also unavailable for the island's 3,000 inhabitants.
"Chile cannot send more fruit and vegetables," he was quoted as saying.
The story reported the shortage was mainly due to the a canceled monthly air freight voyage from the Chilean city of Punta Arenas to Port Stanley.
The support of Argentina from other South American nations, which has been tagged the "Argentine Blockade" and has recently been expanded to include five Caribbean countries, arises from Argentina's latest dispute with the U.K. over territorial rights for the islands.
Argentina's ambassador to Chile Ginés González GarcÃa, told website Lmneuquen.com.ar there were no efforts from his country to block flights from Punta Arenas to the Falklands, but did not deny the possible prohibiting of the use of Argentine air space.
"The Argentine Government is not doing anything to suspend flights - it's not prohibiting anything, it's just saying that they can go on the other side without crossing Argentine airspace," he was quoted as saying.
"Chile understands the situation well. What the English Government doesn't tell its citizens is the cost of this strategy to defend oil companies for every English person.
"Argentina is going to put all the legal issues to rest, to recover sovereignty by a negotiating table, marked by a United Nations resolution."
The Chilean Government has said a potential blockade of flights from Chile to the Falklands would not alter its support for Argentina's sovereignty of the land.
Photo: Panoramio