Irrigation megaproject could bolster Peru's exports by US$2B annually

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Irrigation megaproject could bolster Peru's exports by US$2B annually

A new hydro-electric plant in Peru is expected to boost the country's agricultural exports by US$2 billion a year, website reported.

The Pampas Verdes irrigation project will supply water to 218,015 hectares of dessert in the Ica, Arequipa and Ayacucho regions, through the construction of four hydro-electric power stations, two dams and two reservoirs.

The dams will be supplied with water from the Caracha and Urabamba rivers, which are tributaries of the Pampas river in Huanca Sancos, Ayacucho.

The project is expected to also generate 1,200 MW of electricity.

Electropampas general manager Martin Nater, highlighted that 109,520 hectares in Nazca (Ica) and 108,495 hectares in CaravelĂ­ (Arequipa) would benefit from the initiative.

The US$3.99 billion project will fund the purchase of 218,015 hectares of land, and finance a guarantee for building the plants and the construction of water supply pipelines to Ica and Caravelí.

It's estimated that 15,000 construction workers will be employed on the project which when completed is expected to generate 500,000 new jobs in agriculture.

The project has gained national and local government approval with a recommendation by the Agriculture Ministry's National Institute of National Resources that the initiative be declared one of national interest.


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