Peru to double cherimoya exports next year

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Peru to double cherimoya exports next year

Peru's National Institute of Agricultural Innovation expects cherimoya exports to double in 2013 to 50 metric tons (MT), website reported.

INIA fruit specialist William Daga Ávalos said the expectation was due to good quality fields that will likely ensure a strong level of production, while demand was also positive.

"The expectation for next year is that the market will keep growing. Now we must think about working on issues such as fertilization, pruning management, etcetera, and for that reason it is being recommended to growers that they invest a little bit more in fertilizers and pesticides," Daga Ávalos was quoted as saying.

He said Ecuador and Bolivia were the main markets, but they still only accounted for 20% of exports. Other destinations include Canada and the European Union, particularly France and Spain.

He added that discussions were in place with Japanese representatives for entry into that market, with representatives from the East Asian nation visiting Lima production zone Santo Toribio de Cumbe, showing 'fascination' with the product and working on fruit fly control issues.

Photo: Andina

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