Oppy upbeat on Australian citrus imports

North American produce distributor Oppy is "excited" to be importing Australian citrus to the continent once again, now that the single desk citrus marketing system with DNE World Fruit Sales has been scrapped.
Oppy citrus category director James Milne explained the company used to be a complementary marketer to DNE in North America, but this was put "on hiatus" in 2010 due to drought conditions which significantly reduced the crop size.
He said the return of Australian citrus to Oppy's supply chain would not only enhance its program, but deliver greater value to growers and retailer alike.
"With good water supply and ideal conditions this growing season, we anticipate boldly flavored, well-colored, high-brixing citrus starting in early July and carrying through to early October," he said.
"With multiple importers involved, individual Australian growers can express themselves through the standard of their fruit, which will only enhance what is already a premium program.
"The Australian industry has a terrific reputation for quality and flavor, which we believe will be proven out yet again."
He said the business had aligned itself with a handful of top-notch Australian growers, whose product will complement its summer citrus lines from Chile and Peru.
"Our Australian line includes the ever-popular Navels and easy-peelers, as well as a few of the more special varieties like Cara Caras. Key brands we’ll carry are Kangara and One," he said.
"While such fresh favorites as domestic berries and stone fruit are, of course, plentiful in the summer months, demand for Australian citrus remains high. The popularity of easy peel oranges is a year-round phenomenon.
"Navels are a cornerstone item, and the Australian fruit enjoys an excellent following. And by stocking some of the more unique citrus selections, retailers can realize greater incremental sales in the category."