Uruguayan citrus formally welcomed to U.S. market

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Uruguayan citrus formally welcomed to U.S. market

Through publication on the U.S. Federal Register, Uruguayan citrus was formally accepted for U.S. market access yesterday. The fruit will be allowed entrance 30 days after the announcement.citrus mix ffp

The fruit has been under consideration by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service since March 2011. Leading up to yesterday's announcement, the fruit was opened for public consultation in February of this year.

"Market opening to the United States is particularly relevant for national citrus production, opening new opportunities and perspectives for the strengthening and development of this sector," the Uruguayan Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fishing (MGAP) said.

"The awaited establishment of a new commercial channel - with a market of the dimension and characteristics of the United States of America - will result in a new and important stimulus for investment and innovation in the citrus sector."

MGAP highlighted the announcement as an achievement for the nation's strategic planning and a key industry.


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