Chilean Citrus Committee releases initial frost evaluation

The Chilean Citrus Committee expects it will soon be able to fully estimate the damages to fruit from recent frosts, but has released a preliminary evaluation of the proportion of citrus crops affected.
The entity says 10-15% of planned Navel orange and W. Murcott mandarin volumes could be compromised, while the figure stands at 10% for lemons.
The export crop with the least expected impact is the clementine, with the committee estimating that around 5% of expected volumes were affected by the frost.
"Clearly we know that the frost did not affect all citrus production and that it just affected some orchards in impacted zones, especially in the low parts of the valleys," the committee said in a release.
A more exact estimation is planned for August with an updated prediction for the season.
Related story: Frost prompts harvest halt for some Chilean citrus growers