Chile: ASOEX releases frost briefing

The Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX) has announced that it is conducting a complete evaluation of the negative effects of frosts on a variety of fruit crops.
The frosts took place on Sep. 17 from the northern III (Atacama) region through to the southern X (Los Lagos) region.
"In general terms and due to the different phenological states the fruits are in, some damages can already be seen, especially in early stonefruit (that are harvested before Jan. 15)," an ASOEX release said.
"Negative effects are also observed in early varieties of table grapes (Flame Seedless and Superior Seedless), kiwifruit, cherries, blueberries, avocados, walnuts and pomegranates.
"To know the quantified situation of possible losses in all the main species, we will have to wait a few days until we obtain results from the evaluation that is being done in the field by technical teams from our associates."