South African table grape industry highlights labor compliance
With South Africa's early grape packing just weeks away, the industry reaffirmed its support of the nation's labor legislation and its independent audit body, the South African Sustainability Initiative (SIZA).
"According to independent audits under the SIZA process, the industry is on the right track in terms of progress towards improving the lives of many of its employees," the South African Table Grape Industry [SATI] said Friday.
The industry statement highlighted a number of local concerns for producers, including adherence to new labor laws and support for emerging farmers.
"The board of SAT together with the boards of its regional organizations discourages and condemns any unfair labour practices that are outside the laws of our country and the international ethical standards under which we operate," the release read.
"With the new season at hand, interference of entities with ulterior motives, that do not have farmworker interests at heart, are not welcome in our industry, especially during this time when the table grape industry, its growers and farmworkers continue to strive towards sustainable harmony in the workplace."
SATI emphasized projects to support farmers. The organization reported that it annually spends 20% of producer-funded income of US$2.2 million on emerging grower development, including vine-planting projects, mentoring, training, visits to new markets and visits with successful businesses.
Other initiatives established include accredited training materials for all work levels, educational support for workers' children, focus on young talent and consumer education abroad.
Related story:Â South Africa: Hortgro calls for compliance in ag industry