Chile: ASOEX calls for emergency measures to alleviate strike effects

Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX) president Ronald Bown has urged the government and public sector workers to resolve their differences swiftly, in order to end a strike that is "causing serious and severe disruption to the normal flow of fruit destined for export to different markets".
Click here for accounts from Chilean growers and exporters about the situation.
In addition, in a release the industry leader has also asked for the reinstatement of emergency shifts in the Customs and Agriculture and Livestock (SAG) departments.
Bown said the strikes have extended beyond a "prudent" time period,with a particular concern for fruits shipped by air freight and land transport via the Andes crossing with Argentina. These products require adequate documentation for their target markets, but this has been complicated by the the inability of customs agents to perform normal procedures.
The release said sea freight shipments had also been affected this week as a consequence of ships arriving in destination ports, mainly in Latin America, without the necessary documentation for entry.
"We are making a call both to the authorities and the unions on strike to keep this situation in mind, that apart from affecting the competitiveness of our company, leads to a loss of confidence in trade relationships between Chilean companies and their buyers in different parts of the world, in addition to damaging growers, especially for cherries and blueberries, with a squandering of the whole year's efforts," Bown said.