Dry weather complicates Spanish strawberry plantings

The Spanish province of Huelva can expect a 16% increase in berry plantings this year, according to Huelva's Strawberry Exporters' Association, Freshuelva. While blackberries and blueberries have enjoyed a spike in interest, strawberries suffered from adverse weather.
Plantings of raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are expected to rise to 2,520 hectares in total in the province. Strawberry growth will remain at a more modest 2%, rising to 6,980 hectares.
Strawberry plantings have been complicated by the hot, dry weather throughout the season. This has caused many plants to die that could not withstand the temperature difference between the nursery and the plantation area in the province.
Producers are hopeful for rain to help the plants set roots, Freshuelva said.
Plastic coverings are now being put in place to protect macrotunnels and greenhouses, which will preserve the plants under low winter temperatures.
Regarding growth for other berries, Freshuelva said expansion has occured in large part due to increased interest in products like blueberries and due to a call for diversification.
Blueberry plantings have increased 19% to 1,150ha., while blackberries have grown 22% to 70ha. Raspberries grew 14% to 1,300ha.