Australian territory raises funding for banana freckle fight

The Northern Territory government in Australia has increased its banana freckle eradication budget by 57% to AUD$4.4 million (US$3.9 million) in response to increased sightings of the disease, news agency the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reported.
Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry chief plant health manager Stephen West, told the ABC that 18 properties had tested positive to the disease, with one-kilometer banana plant eradication zones set up in the areas of Howard Springs, Humpty Doo, Acacia Hills, Batchelor, and most recently Virginia.
"Since the program commenced, we've actually doubled the size of the program and the budget has doubled to reflect that," West was quoted as saying.
"About 50 per cent of that is being picked up by the Northern Territory and the other half is being cost-shared by the other jurisdictions, Commonwealth Government and industry."
He told the ABC the department remained confident it could deal with the program.
"We still believe it's eradicable and technically feasible to do that," he was quoted as saying.
The department assesses growers on a case-by-case basis, and West mentioned that affected people who qualified as commercial growers would be entitled to reimbursement costs.
Photo: DAFF Queensland