U.S.: Brandt's Fruit Trees gains global license for Aussie apple cultivar

Washington State-based Brandt's Fruit Trees Inc has won access to an early apple cultivar that can be marketed as Pink Lady if it meets requirements of the brand.
The company is now licensed for exclusive global propagation and marketing rights for the Barnsby selection, with the exception of Australia where it is licensed to Victoria-based W.F. Montague Pty Ltd.
Brandt's will work with affiliated company Pink Lady America (PLA) to market the fruit, which matures between three to four weeks before Cripps Pink variety.
In a press release, the Barnsby was noted for having the same outstanding eating quality of fruit from its parent, offering many advantages like an earlier harvest date, a reduced harvest risk, an additional marketing season and the possibility of new production zones previously restricted due to short seasons.
"Along with this potential to expand the production boundaries for this much sought after apple, the Barnsby cultivar offers a solution for growers who are currently producing' Cripps Pink' apples in areas susceptible to autumn freezing and uncertainty as to whether the crop can be harvested before the onset of winter," PLA said in a release.
"This represents a very important risk management tool for those growers keen on having Pink Lady® brand apples in their production mix."
Lynnell Brandt of Brandt's Tree Fruits Inc said the new selection offered "exciting opportunities" to work in conjunction with Cripps Pink production, which can be marketed under the Pink Lady brand.
"Being a late season maturing apple, there are many important apple production areas of the world where the shorter growing season has restricted the production of 'Cripps Pink'," she said.
"The Barnsby cultivar offers an opportunity for growers in these regions to be part of the Pink Lady® brand global production."
Trials in Western Australia of the Barnsby cultivar selection have shown good bud line stability for tree vigor, cropping and fruit traits including maturity, skin color and eating quality over two generations and 11 years of tree production.
"The Barnsby cultivar with its soft growth habit, precocity and good return bloom make the tree very grower friendly," PLA said.