Peru waits on Brazilian citrus access

Peruvian authorities are now waiting on approval from their Brazilian counterparts to access the country's citrus market, having carried out the relevant procedures with technical aspects finalized, website reported.
Peru's National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa) said negotiations for citrus access, mainly for mandarins, would likely finish in April at the latest.
"Brazil has a large part of its market open for Peruvian products. We have good relations - we had a meeting in September and we will continue to have meetings this year," Senasa chief Jorge Barrenechea told the publication.
In addition to citrus, the Peruvian government is also hoping to gain access in Brazil for chia seeds, flowers and grapevines, among other products.
On other fronts, the story reported Barrenechea was also aiming to fix meetings with Mexican authorities for access to the country's avocado market; while Mexico is the biggest avocado grower it is also the largest consumer of the fruit per capita.
"There is a lot of interest from Peruvian agri-exporters to send avocados. We have already been able to open the mandarin and grape markets, and the new product of interest is the avocado," he was quoted as saying.