Peru: Camposol announces social plans to support blueberry production growth

It's one thing to build a farm, another to build a community. As Peruvian exporter Camposol plans for exponential blueberry production growth over the next few years, the multinational has also announced a range of social initiatives in parallel.
The company is expecting a 30-fold production increase by the end of 2016, and will employ up to 10,000 additional people in the process. As part of what Camposol has described as its 'social responsibility', it will build various housing projects in the area surrounding plantations to accommodate new workers and their families.
Camposol is also planning to ensure the development of new communities by providing them with schools, health services, public transport, and other elements required to create adequate infrastructure.
In December 2013, the company announced plans to expand the current 200 hectares of farm land by 600 hectares a year until the end of 2016. This would see the production volume rise from one metric ton (MT) in 2013, to 30MT annually once the land reaches full capacity.
To make this increase possible, Camposol said it was going to invest US$100 million in new plants and packing equipment.
Camposol exports 70% of its crop to the U.S. in the marketing period of September through to December. It has also begun to directly supply blueberries to several supermarket chains in the UK, U.S., and other key markets.
Currently all blueberries are exported fresh, though the company has said in the future frozen berries could make up 10% of the total.
Related stories: Peru: Camposol aims for year-round supply of avocados, blueberries
Camposol exec outlines ambitious blueberry plans