Chilean agricultural officials call for "warning strike"

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Chilean agricultural officials call for "warning strike"

A union representating workers from Chile's Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) has vowed to undertake a "warning strike" on June 17 in protest to ensure labor demands are met. SAG Logo

Association of SAG Officials (AFSAG) president Santiago Silva told the workers had been calling for budgeting incentives for 'years'.

"Every year we have reached a certain point and stayed there. Last year we managed to get the [Agricultural] Minister Mayol to introduce a bill with the national director, Mr AriztĂ­ the bill is in the Ministry of Finance so that it can become law tomorrow for our officials," Silva said yesterday.

"The warning strike for June 17 is more than anything for some claims and benefits of ours as officials; for example, the implementation of the Draft Stimulus for SAG officials with strengthening, as the President [Bachelet] said in her speech on May 21 and in the government's plan."

He called for a strengthening of SAG in terms of its technical aspects and in financial terms for Standing Programs, along with the work carried out by staff, both employeed and as contractors.

"We are 2,500 officials employed and under contract, as well as 2,0000 contractors. So, what we want is that they come to form but of our group as officials, especially those who are on a permanent basis," he said.

"These officials are needed. Imagine, these officials as contractors are without health, without warnings, and without many of the other benefits that we have."

The call for a strike has been made for all officials related to borders, airports or ports working from Arica in the north to Punta Arenas in the south.

After the warning strike, the officials are also considering an indefinite national strike starting July 22.

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