PMA Fruittrade Latin America to get to the core of pome fruit oversupply issues

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PMA Fruittrade Latin America to get to the core of pome fruit oversupply issues

Latin America's Southern Cone can be characterized as a strong apple and pear supplier to the Northern Hemisphere, but recent months have thrown up some pressing challenges. manzana_37345837 _ small

Overproduction in some key markets such as the EU mean Chilean and Argentine pome fruit growers are having to reevaluate their options.

The Chilean Fruit Producers Federation (Fedefruta) director Antonio Walker is due to lead the discussions at next week's Produce Marketing Association (PMA) Fruittrade Latin America, which will take place from Nov. 12-13, focusing on what exporters will need to do to resolve these market issues.

"Europe has had an oversupply pome fruit, and we are currently competing with the Northern Hemisphere production," Walker said.

"Although our production volume has increase this year and the exchange rate has helped us, prices still fell 25%."

He added it was essential for the affected growers to find alternative markets for their fruit, like South East Asia, North Africa, and other parts of Latin America.

Other topics to be discussed in the talks include how to achieve maximum fruit quality, how to modernize farming practices in pome fruit orchards, and how best to go about opening up these alternative markets.

Walker will chair the discussions, which will be held on Nov. 13.

Confirmed speakers for the session are:

- Antonio Walker - Fruit Entrepeneur, Fedefruta president
- Cristián Arancibia - Agronomist, Red Monitoreo Syngenta Directior
- Gabino Reginato - Agronomist, Universidad de Chile
- Oscar Carrasco - Agronomist, Pomology Professor, Universidad de Chile

PMA Fruittrade Latin America will also provide seminars dedicated to table grapes, kiwifruit, cherries, berries, avocados, citrus, dry fruit, stone fruit, vegetables and biotechnology, led by professionals and people related to the Chilean fruit industry.

The PMA will bring also a range of experts and supermarket executives who will discuss the latest industry trends.

More details of the convention's program can be found on the PMA Fruittrade Latin America website.



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