Govt centers to aid direct market access for Ecuadorian banana growers

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Govt centers to aid direct market access for Ecuadorian banana growers

Banana growers in the western Ecuadorian province of ManabĂ­ will soon have greater opportunities to sell their 'barraganete' variety directly to overseas markets, with the support of a government scheme to build collection centers in the canton of El Carmen.platano barrangete -

On Nov. 5, the country's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquacultura and Fishing (MAGAP) pledged to build fiven centers to incentivize production and change the productive matrix.

The ministry estimates the construction will cost US$1.1 million.

National Banana Growers Federation of Ecuador (FENAPROPE) president Rafael Torres said the goal of the center was to remove around 300 intermediaries from the trading process, as these entities tended to receive the most profits from barraganete banana exports.

"With the collection centers, as associated growers we'll have the opportunity to sell fruit to exporters or export them directly to international markets," Torres said.

The facilities will include reception areas for banana transport vehicles, washing baths, rollers, macro-warehouses for pallets and cartons, cold storage for 540 cartons, closets, bathrooms, dining rooms, offices, parking and an 'ecological distribution' area.


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