Spain signs deal to open U.S. market for avocados and apricots

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Spain signs deal to open U.S. market for avocados and apricots

U.S. and Spanish authorities have signed a cooperation agreement that will open up access to the North American country's market for avocados and apricots. apricot_69882310 thirdsq

Spain's Federation of Fruit, Vegetable, Flower and Live Plant Grower Exporter Associations (FEPEX) announced yesterday the deal had been signed with the U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (AHPIS), and said it included an annual product-specific work program and a finance plan to cover all the inspection costs.

"Apricots and avocados from Spain that are shipped to the U.S. must be grown under specific and previously approved rules. Amongst other requirements, these rules include a list of registered farms and storage facilities which are visually inspected for the detection of pests," FEPEX said in a statement on its website.

"In addition, a sample of 200 randomly selected fruits will be taken to check for the larvae of certain fruit fly. Each shipment much be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the Minister of Agriculture containing an additional statement saying the shipment is free from certain pests."

The organization added the APHIS could make visits and consultations with the heads of the Ministry of Agriculture's Plant Health division and Autonomous Communities of growing areas to discuss matters of common interest.

"The opening of this market is part of the fruits and vegetables Working Group constituted under the International Plan for the agricultural industry, consisting of representatives from the Ministries of Economy and Agriculture, in which FEPEX is involved, and which has highlighted the need to prioritize new market openings," FEPEX added.

Spanish fruit and vegetable exports to the U.S. in 2014 stood at 47,875 metric tons (MT), at a total value of €50.2 million (US$54.3), which was 9% less year-on-year, according to the Ministry of Economy.


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