Peru begins major avocado marketing campaign in U.S.

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Peru begins major avocado marketing campaign in U.S.

The Peruvian Avocado Commission (PAC) has kicked off its 2015 by serving breakfast to the men and women on board the USS Cole Navy ship during Fleet Week in Florida's Ft. Lauderdale, amid expectations for record exports to the U.S.

Pac CEO Xavier Equihua with crew on board USS Cole

PAC president Xavier Equihua with crew on board USS Cole

PAC said this event was a first in the history of the avocado category and jump started a powerful five-month marketing campaign that will include high-profile events, sponsorships and consumer advertising.

The group's retailer support programs will also be expanded this season, along with the opportunities to engage directly with consumers through social media initiatives.

PAC claimed Avocados from Peru (AFP) would be the only avocados that would be at the peak of their season this summer, and a record 150 million pounds (68,000 metric tons) were projected to be imported into the U.S. between May and September.

“In the past three years, Avocados from Peru exports to the United Stated have tripled from 50 million to 150 million pounds making Peru one of the largest suppliers of avocados during the summer months,” PAC board chairman Enrique Camet said.

“This growth is especially significant because the Avocados from Peru season is much shorter than any other major avocado growing region in the world. Additionally, Peru is also a consistent supplier of large size fruit because of its climate conditions.”

Building on the success of last year’s campaign, AFP’s 2015 marketing program is designed to whet consumers' appetites for the fruit and provide retailers with innovative incentives to prominently showcase the fruit.

“The 2015 campaign involves a variety of events and promotions similar to the breakfast served to the sailors on board the USS Cole that are firsts for the avocado category,” PAC president and CEO Xavier Equihua said.

“We want to reach consumers through a variety of media channels, constantly reminding them to make Avocados from Peru a part of their daily diet.”

PAC cookingThe breakfast event on board the USS Cole will be featured as a special July 4th segment on the nationally syndicated Mr. Food Test Kitchen show on July 1.

Leading up to the July 4th holiday, one of the highest avocado consumption periods during the year, AFP will host a series of high-profile media events on the east coast.

Internationally renowned chef, Martin Morales, the author of the award-winning cookbook Ceviche: Peruvian Kitchen, will help generate excitement for AFP in New York City to help ramp up the season.

Morales will also act as the global ambassador for AFP at the Fancy Food Show, host a private dinner at the Peruvian Ambassador to the United Nation’s residence for top media and key customers, be featured as a guest chef at the renowned James Beard Foundation House, and conduct a special cooking demo at media company Condé Nast.

All AFP events and promotions will be supported by an 'aggressive' social media campaign. Contests, promotions, partnerships with high-profile bloggers and live chats will engage consumers and encourage them to try the fruit in new and different ways.

Consumers will also have a chance to enter the “Summer Avocados Sweepstakes” and win a trip to Peru.

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