Chilean nurseries on board for PMA Fruittrade Latin America

With the aim of promoting Chile as Latin America's plant genetics platform, the Nurseries Association of Chile (AGV) has announced it will be participating in the PMA Fruittrade Latin America 2015 event in November.
AGV will be hosting a new version of its Planttrade event, called International Convention and Business Roundtable for the Nursery Sector.
During the convention, the Chilean nursery industry will be presenting its expansive range of species and varieties to key actors of the sector.
"We are happy to be able to participate in PMA Fruittrade Lain America. This is a tremendous opportunity for the nurseries to work with the PMA and to be amongst the fruit and vegetable industry's most important people - from Chile, Latin America and of course the U.S.," AGV president Jorge Valenzuela told
"In turn it is important for the PMA to involve the first stage of horticultural production in Chile - that being the nurseries, the plants, and everything related to the nursery sector."
AVG said it hoped to position itself as a trusted supplier of high quality plants and new genetic material.
"We are going to have an exclusive pavilion for everything related to the nurseries and the nursery industry. There are also suppliers who will be participating," Valenzuela said.
The president of the AGV also noted that while the association and nurseries were embedded into the fruit supply chain, being part of PMA Fruittrade Latin America would open up doors, create new networks and enhance the existing ones.
In 2013 the Chilean nursery industry sold a total of 74 million fruit plants, with the most common ones being strawberry, table grape, blueberry, olive, apple, cherry, raspberry and walnut.
"The range of species of fruit is quite broad. I think it is extremely important for all who visit Latin America to participate and see what is new in the world of genetics, both in terms of varieties and the genetic programs that Chile is developing," Valenzuela said.
"So this really is a tremendous opportunity to be able to visit this pavilion with the nurseries."
Planttrade and PMA Fruittrade Latin American will be held on November 11 and 12 at Espacio Riesco in Santiago, Chile.
PMA Fruittrade is organized by the Produce Marketing Association, the Chilean Fruit Producers Federation (Fedefruta) and the Yentzen Group.
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