Italian pear industry expects lower yields next season

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Italian pear industry expects lower yields next season

The initial results of Italian pear orchard surveys indicate the crop will be down in 2015, mainly due to lower yields for the two leading varieties Abate Fetel and Williams. Abate pears - CSO 1

In a release, the country's Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli (CSO) said these two cultivars represented around 70% of Italian pear production, while in Emilia Romagna where 70% of the country's pears are grown these varieties make up three quarters of the harvest.

Recent estimates in the region put the Abate Fetel volume forecast at just over 250,000 metric tons (MT), which is almost 10% than the amount produced in 2014.

For Williams, the region is expected to be down 5% at a little more than 100,000MT - a volume that is 9% less than what was recorded in previous years.

After a 2014 of "exceptionally" downcast volumes, production for other minor varieties is set to be closer to the norm.

"The provisional data shows production that is normal overall, but it must be stressed however that some summer varieties are being picked, which could lead to final figures being revised downward," said O.I. Pera president Gianni Amidei.

Photo: CSO

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