Millennials key to Brazilian produce marketing success

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Millennials key to Brazilian produce marketing success

Whether it be frequent snacking and hectic lifestyles, the use of a plethora of social media platforms or just sheer curiosity about new products, Generation Y consumers in Brazil are remarkably similar to their counterparts elsewhere.

Fresh Insight founder Elena Ozeritskaya

Fresh Insight founder Elena Ozeritskaya

This is the message of Fresh Insight founder Elena Ozeritskaya, and produce exporters who want success in the South American country will need to take notice of the trend.

Ozeritskaya - whose company is based in the Netherlands - will be one of many speakers to participate in the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) Fresh Connections: Brazil event, which is due to take place in SĂŁo Paulo on August 20.

She tells that Millennials, who for the uninitiated are people born between 1981 and 1995, are looking for a good shopping experience in mostly small stores, and put a strong emphasis on flavor and interaction.

"The same thing happens in Brazil. People prefer to buy in smaller stores and the trend is increasing. Millennials are guiding this trend - they prefer to buy more often in the week, almost daily, because they want to have more of a connection with the people who are behind the products they buy," Ozeritskaya says.

"In Brazil I have seen many new and wonderful things, unusual, with new flavors, new experiences...they [produce traders] try to reinvent themselves, finding cool ways to present traditional products like cauliflower, potatoes, etcetera, where you can fry them, or offer them as a gluten-free alternative for preparing pizza."

She says the trend toward buying local is also taking place in Brazil, and the fresher the better.

"It's like 'keep your friends close and your growers even closer'. People are starting to consume more local products, like the trend for purchasing organic products is growing the world over.

"E-commerce is very popular too. Buying food online is a trend that is growing in the whole world.

"I recommend companies in Brazil to connect with their younger consumers and reduce 'inconveniences', whether it be flavor, or size. You have to make yourself part of their lifestyles. They [consumers] don't eat much in their homes, they're looking for more alternatives to eat on the go, more snacks, and you have to focus on that.

She adds that millennials in general are more educated and more assertive, with 88% interested in new products.

"They are very mixed with other ethnic groups and will be more relevant in the future as they will already represent 34% of the world population in 2020.

"Millennials are everywhere and they are different - they like technology, social networks, and will even turn down work with a company that rejects social networks."


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