Spain: Valencian ag industry laments loss of €70M from Russian ban

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Spain: Valencian ag industry laments loss of €70M from Russian ban

The Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA) has called on European authorities to find an immediate end to the Russian import ban, which has seen the agricultural industry lose €70 millon (US$76.5 million) in the last year. oranges_54697351 small

The group said the loses were a result of the market's closure and of a larger supply within Europe pushing prices down.

"Valencian agriculture is geared toward exports and has been punished severely by the Russian embargo," AVA-ASAJA president Cristóbal Aguado said.

"Direct and indirect losses on the sector have been far worse than what we had imagined at first and prices of Valencian goods have been distorted throughout the entire year."

Citrus growers have been the hardest hit in Valencia, having lost a total of €34 millon (US$37 million) in the last campaign.

Marketing problems are said to have worsened since mid-November, with prices reaching historic lows.

Persimmon growers were also heavily affected. The industry had been performing well until the implementation of the ban, but since then producers saw price declines of 15% over the previous year. Losses are estimated to be €15 million (US$16.5 million).

Similarly, the vast majority of stonefruit and vegetables produced in Valencia faced saturated markets in Europe, with losses of €11 millon (US$12 million) and €2 millon (US$2.2 million) for the categories respectively.

"The European Commission has failed to live up to the occasion," Aguado said.

"It is not capable of finding a diplomatic solution to a political conflict, nor is it giving European farmers sufficient compensatory means to mitigate the direct and indirect economic impacts caused by the Russian embargo."



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