Peru: North coast growers to bear brunt of El Niño

Peru's National Meteorology and Hydrology Service (Senamhi) expects growers along the country's northern coast will be the most affected by El Niño this year, website reported.
Glicerio Canchari Carrasco of Senamhi's Directorate General of Agrometeorology said conditions would lead to a greater presence of agricultural pests and diseases for these growers, with higher production costs coupled with lower yields.
The forecaster told the publication that higher temperatures meant grapes would not meet their cold hour requirements, warranting a longer resting phase and implying an need for growers to apply activators.
Canchari also told that if weather abnormalities continued there would be less floral induction in mangoes, leading to less fruit set, and emphasized temperatures below 18°C were needed in August and September to have normal flowering. However, Regional Exporters Association of Lambayeque (AREX) head Paola Corvacho Valderrama recently told the local press that variable weather would lead to an earlier harvest for his growing region.
The outlook was more positive for bananas as they are favored by higher temperatures, but Canchari mentioned there would be more pests and diseases that could cause production problems, the story reported.
He told the publications the higher temperatures would lead to similar problems for citrus fruit and avocados, and recommended against planting blueberries due to their cold hour requirements.
"Those who plant this crop use technology - if the crop does not meet its cold hour requirements then activators are applied such as hormones and stimulants, and with that they can improve conditions somewhat but the weather is a determining factor," he was quoted as saying.