Spain: Adverse weather sends Valencia persimmon estimate down
Heatwaves and hailstorms are estimated to have shaved off around 10% of Valencia's persimmon crop, but a major trade association has highlighted positives of good fruit sizing and active sales.Â
The adverse weather affected both older and younger trees in the eastern Spanish countryside, but overall volumes are still expected to come in at more than 200,000 metric tons (MT).
The 10% drop was estimated by the Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA) after it carried out technical studies on farms. However, the group said that lower yields would likely translate into larger fruit favored in many European markets.
Crop forecasts have also been hit by the sector's first fruit drop, leaving some farms with only half the normal amount of fruit, according to the grower body.
Exacerbating this decline in productivity is the inclement weather experienced in the spring and summer months.
A heatwave in May caused problems during the fruit set, while hailstorms in late May and the second haf of July in the regions of La Ribera, La Valle d’Albaida and La Costera also had negative effects. Added to this was the lack of rain in the growing areas.
The silver lining of a lower production is that Valencian farmers on the whole have good commercial expectations for the season, according to AVA-ASAJA.
The planted surface area of the fruit is growing at 20% at the national level, with figures from the Ministry of Agriculture showing 88% is based in Valencia.