U.S.: California Giant gives consumers chance to vote for salad bar donation

Out of 372 U.S. schools on the waiting list of the 'Let's Move Salad Bars to Schools' campaign, one will be selected for a donation from California Giant Berry Farms, which is putting the decision in consumers' hands.
As part of its Fresh Start Program to provide more fresh produce options as a means to reduce childhood obesity and improve classroom performance, the grower-marketer is encouraging consumers to vote every day for a local school on the list.
"We are proud supporters of the Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools program, which has placed over 4,000 salad bars in schools across the U.S.," California Giant Berry Farms vice president of marketing Cindy Jewell said in a release.
"This fall, we're taking the campaign to our fans and hopefully building even more awareness about this national program to benefit kids at school."
Voting will continue through Sept. 20.
Additionally, the company is a premier sponsor of the 2015 Tour de Fresh cycling event in October that has a goal of placing up to 100 salad bars in schools during this school year.