Brazil: Grupo JD to double table grape volumes

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Brazil: Grupo JD to double table grape volumes

A major Brazilian table grape grower is expecting a significant increase in volumes this coming season, as numerous new varieties come into production across hundreds of hectares. uvas_81668905

Grupo JD director Arnaldo Eijsink told about 500 containers of the fruit were expected to be shipped this campaign, representing a doubling of last year's production.

"We have a lot of new hectares coming into production this year - more or less 500 hectares of completely new varieties," he said.

The new varieties include Cotton Candy, Sweet Celebration, Sweet Globe, Sugar Crisp, Sweet Sapphire, Sweet Jubiliee and Sweet Victoria.

Eijsink also said he was particularly excited about the Sweet Surprise variety, which he said very few other growers currently had, as well as the Jack's Salute, which he described as having an excellent taste.

"All these varieties were chosen as they are what the market is demanding," Eijsink said.

"People want different varieties, they want new varieties with a totally different flavor, as well as a very nice color and a good shape."

The director also said overall the crop was shaping up to be good quality, and there had been no adverse weather events that had negatively affected production.

In contrast, last season the production region saw more cloudy weather than normal, as a result the company forecast a 20-30% decline in white seedless volumes.

About 60% of Grupo JD's table grape crop is due to be exported this year, with around 60% of that going to Europe and the remaining 40% to the U.S. and Canada.

In Europe, the major destinations are the U.K. and Scandinavian markets.

"All the markets look strong this year, with a really good demand," Eijsink said.

Harvest for this season has just begun, and will last through December. Volumes sold to the domestic market will increase closer to the Christmas period as prices typically improve around then, the representative added.

He also mentioned that due to the Brazilian climate, Grupo JD was able to harvest two crops per year off the same vineyards, with the same volumes expected to be picked between April and June 2016.



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