Chilean mango imports rise six-fold since 2009

Chile has significantly increased its mango import volumes over recent years, as its neighbor to the north continues to boost production.
Imports by the South American country rose from 766 metric tons (MT) in 2009 to 4,796MT in 2014, according to the country's Office for Agricultural Research and Planning (ODEPA).
The increased exports can largely be attributed to Peru, which in 2014 had a 74% share of the Chilean market, followed by Ecuador with 15% and Brazil with 10%. It should be noted only 3% of Peru's mango exports are destined for Chile.
Ecuador overtook Brazil as the second-biggest supplier to Chile in 2014.
Peruvian shipments to Chile start around the month of October and extent until March, after which time the volumes decrease significantly.
Production had been growing rapidly in Peru, although in 2014 hit a setback as climatic conditions affected the flowering process.
Wholesale prices in Chile from January to August 2015 were on average US$2.2 per kilogram, putting them substantially higher than the previous two years. The 2014 average was US$1.6, while in 2013 it was US$1.7.
Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) prices have also been progressively increasing, rising from US$0.84 per kilogram in 2010 to US$1.27 in 2014.