Peruvian vegetable exporter bullish after TPP agreement

A leading Peruvian pepper exporter expects big things from the recently signed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and believes artichokes and asparagus will also find new opportunities across the 12 markets that comprise the deal.
In a release, Gandules SAC said both prepared and preserved piquillo peppers would benefit, while also highlighting possibilities for sweet cookies and quinoa.
"Last year Malaysia and New Zealand, members of the TPP block, imported a combined US$76 million worth of table grapes and Peru only exported 3.1% of the total," Gandules president Juan Varilias Velásquez said in the release.
He added that while agri-exporters were still waiting for further details, the TPP would help Peru consolidate its international presence, and it was was important to continue working on Peru's domestic agenda to maximize advantages from the deal.
"Keeping the legal framework that permits the rise of the agri sector is fundamental, but it's also important to strengthen institutions like Senasa, Digesa, Digemid, OCEX and Promperu."
Photo: Gandules