Chile: PMA Fruittrade technical sessions to address critical industry topics
Technical sessions at a major trade event next week in Chile will provide relevant and timely information to growers of a range of horticultural crops.Â
PMA (Produce Marketing Association) Fruittrade Latin America will be held in the capital Santiago on Nov. 11-12, with more than 2,500 people and 150 companies from across the industry spectrum expected to attend.
As well as having the opportunity to generate new contacts and business opportunities, there will also be educational sessions for table grapes, citrus, avocados, cherries, tree nuts, pome fruit, stonefruit, berries, kiwifruit and vegetables.
In the case of table grapes, industry members will be able to hear about nursery production, postharvest techniques, trends in packaging that can help improve profitability and new technologies that address the scarcity of water.
In the session relating to berries, speakers will identify key global consumption markets, while for pome fruit some of the topics will involve competitive strategies, orchard reconversion and the promotion of apple products.
For cherries, there will be a focus on how growers and exporters can meet the demands of Chinese buyers and diversify their markets.
The kiwifruit session will explore logistical and commercial processes like breeding programs, and for avocados, given the recent challenges in relation to the drought conditions, unique and innovative methods will be explored to address the problem.
For more information on PMA Fruittrade Latin America, click here.