PMA applauds new U.S. Dietary Guidelines

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PMA applauds new U.S. Dietary Guidelines

The Produce Marketing Association (PMA) is positive about calls for greater fruit and vegetable consumption in the recently published 'Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020'.

In a release, PMA vice president of industry relations Kathy Means praised the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for their work on the document.

"The new guidelines reinforce that average intake of fruits and vegetables among Americans falls far below recommendations for almost all age-sex groups," Means said.

"Clearly, to make half the plate fruits and vegetables remains important advice to all consumers.

PMA vice president of industry relations Kathy Means

PMA vice president of industry relations Kathy Means

"More specifically, we're pleased the guidelines clearly convey that nutrients best come from foods rather than supplements and that healthy eating with fruits and vegetables can serve as a keystone habit to help with other recommendations such as limiting added sugars, reducing sodium and choosing a variety of nutrient-dense foods."

Means also highlighted that the guidelines emphasized fruits and vegetables must be part of all healthy eating patterns, thereby "meeting consumers where they are in terms of cultural and personal food preferences".

"PMA also applauds the recommendation that 'everyone has a role in helping to create and support healthy eating patterns in multiple settings nationwide, from home to school to work to communities.'

"The produce industry recognizes its responsibility in a multi-component, collaborative approach to make healthy lifestyles and disease prevention top priorities.

"This shared value has driven the produce industry's leadership role in marketing fruits and vegetables differently, as demonstrated through PMA's support of the eat brighter!™ movement and the FNV program."

Means also expressed the PMA's appreciation that food safety guidance was included to reinforce the importance of proper produce handling.

"The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 forms the basis for federal health guidance and feeding programs as well as consumer education from health professionals," she said.

"In combination with PMA and member activities, these new dietary recommendations create a favorable climate for significant growth in fresh produce consumption."



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