Peruvian blueberry exports triple in 2015

Shipments of blueberries from Peru increased more than three-fold last year to reach US$94.2 million, driven mostly by production in the coastal department of La Libertad.
The figure compares to US$29.2 million in 2014.
Sierra Exportadora says a high growth rate was also seen for the Andean region with exports jumping 142% year-on-year to reach US$1.1 million.
"If we keep this pace of production on the coast and in the mountains, we should be able to surpass US$200 million in exports in 2016, as the demand for blueberries is increasing overseas and the price fluctuates between US$9-14 per kilo (2.2 pounds)," said Sierra Exportadora president Alfonso Velásquez Tuesta.
"The objective is to go from the 2,500 hectares which is there now to 3,200 in 2016," he said, highlighting the fact growers were betting on high volume and quality for existing customers and new markets.
The figure is in stark contrast to almost zero exports of the fruit in 2011 and US$465,000 in 2012, which then steadily grew to US$15.1 million in 2013.
The U.S. is the leading buyer with more than half of the purchases at US$53.2 million, followed by the Netherlands (US$25.7 million), the U.K. (US$11.5 million) and Hong Kong (US$5.9 million).