A tale of two seasons for Latin American grapes in the U.S.

Chilean and Peruvian grape exports to the USA were markedly differently in late 2015, as statistics from the South American countries' government agencies reveal.
According to Promperu, Peru exported more than double the amount it sent for the corresponding period in 2014 at 19,835 metric tons (MT), representing a rise of 126%.
In contrast, Chile's exports to December were down 39% at 14,392MT, according to ODEPA.
In the first three weeks of January, Chile then shipped 30,515MT to the market.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) data shows the average price of a box of Peruvian grapes was 16% lower in December at US$26.50, while in the first half of January it rose to US$31.90 (+5% year-on-year).
The downward trend was mainly the result of a drop in Red Globe prices, while Flame Seedless, Thompson and Sugraone all saw price rises for the period.
In contrast, Chile was able to harness the strength of Flame Seedless and White Seedless prices, registering an average price that was 25% higher at US$37.10 per box.
Photo: www.shutterstock.com