U.S.: New California ag association set to boost employer compliance
California Citrus Mutual (CCM) has formed a new association to guide citrus industry employers on labor laws and regulations, according to a CCM release.
The California Agricultural Labor Association (CALA) will aim to inform, educate and assist farm labor contractors and agricultural employers to ensure they are complying with all labor laws and compensation regulations correctly and in a uniform manner.
"Piece-rate compensation and joint liability are only two labor obstacles that the agricultural industry is struggling to understand and implement,"Â said CCM president Joel Nelsen.
"Regulatory compliance is constantly evolving and the challenge of maintaining compliance with both state and federal regulations is difficult and taxing. To meet this challenge, the citrus industry formed CALA, which will serve farm labor contractors, growers, and packinghouses alike," he said.
CALA will be working to enroll members and hire an executive officer in order to be fully operational by fall 2016.
In related news, California Governor Jerry Brown announced on March 4 the appointment of the new Agricultural Labor Relations Board General Counsel, Julie Montgomery.
"Our Association looks forward to working with the new General Counsel to maintain orderly processes for protecting, implementing, and enforcing the respective rights and responsibilities of employees, employers and labor organizations in their relations with each other," said California Fresh Fruit Association president Barry Bedwell in a release.
Montgomery previously worked for the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation and the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
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