Chile: Hortifrut profits rise in 2015 despite weather problems

Both EBITDA and sales were up by around 4% for Chilean berry company Hortifrut in 2015, despite adverse effects from El Niño toward the end of the year.
In its annual results released yesterday, the company said EBITDA was up 4.4% to reach US$45.8 million, while a 5.1% volume uptick helped drive a 4% sales increase to US$349.1 million.
The group sold 42,525 metric tons (MT) of fruit over the 12 months to Dec. 31, but the average income from its mix of berries was down slightly by 1%.
Hortifrut said 92% of sales came from fresh blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries, with the rest coming from added-value products.
The company made investments of US$30 million for the year, concentrated mainly on maintenance for existing and new fields, as well as in infrastructure and increased participation in affiliates.