Germany: Fairtrade banana import volume up by a third in 2015

Fairtrade-certified bananas now make up one tenth of the market in Germany, according to the latest annual report released by Fairtrade Deutschland.
In the report, the organization - which ensures stable prices and a social premium for certified growers - said volume was up 32% in 2015 reaching a record of 68,000 metric tons (MT).
Fairtrade Deutschland also emphasized 100% of its certified bananas were organic.
The group is part of the umbrella organization Fairtrade International, which in a report published last year highlighted that by the end of 2014 there were 123 producer organizations in 11 countries that cultivated and sold fairtrade bananas.
The majority of these producers were in Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Peru, while a total of 22,000 people were involved in the category as smallholder farmers.
In 2014, fairtade banana growers received €19 million in social premiums.