NZ Koru apples arrive in U.S. market

Described as an "inspiring combination" of the Fuji and Braeburn varieties, New Zealand-bred and grown Koru-branded apples have started arriving in the U.S. market, and will be marketed by some of the biggest companies in the business.
In a release, the Coast to Coast Growers Cooperative said 85% of this year's New Zealand Koru crop is being shipped to the U.S. for distribution and sales through three suppliers that represent the group - Borton Fruit and Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers of Washington State; and New York Apple Sales of New York State.
The variety is now also produced in the States, but the bulk of the current available crop is harvested annually in New Zealand.
"KORU® brings together the subtle sweetness of the Fuji with the Braeburn’s slight tang," said Coast to Coast Growers Cooperative manager Tim Byrne.
"It’s really an inspired combination, perfect for eating, baking, and cooking.
"80% of these apples are in the three prime sizes, really perfect-size fruit," he said, adding this was New Zealand's third Koru crop available for the U.S. market, and that it was of exceptional quality.
While the first May arrivals of KORU have been sold, more containers will be arriving later in May and over the next few months, so it is still possible to order these New Zealand KORU apples in 12 kg. Euro and 18 kg. traypack cartons as well as pouch bags.