Ecuador: Small banana growers bank on Chinese prospects

A group of 13 small and medium-sized growers from the Ecuadorian province of El Oro are set to provide a year-round supply of bananas to the Chinese market, as part of a commercial project with public entity the National Storage Unit (UNA).
Nueva Vida (New Life) Small Banana Growers Association representative Danny Cruz said the group was exporting 1,500 boxes each week, but the number would rise to 9,240 boxes.
"The expectations are very good as we've worked with them (UNA) before and the results were good," Cruz said, adding that all growers received a fair price and therefore would be able to better maintain their plantations.
The fruit is sold under UNA's brand Zumcor.
UNA banana division administrator Édisson Andrade said a deal for the fruit was signed with Globexim after a test run with three containers in April.
"Once the quality analysis was completed, they asked us for six containers, which is equivalent to 9,240 boxes weekly for 52 weeks," Andrade said.