Colombian pineapple company explodes into export markets

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Colombian pineapple company explodes into export markets

A Colombian company that produces large quantities of pineapples has only in the last few months begun exporting overseas to the likes of Europe and the U.S., amid plans to double plantation hectarage next year.

Speaking to, Bengala Agricola sales and marketing manager Mauricio Lopez said the organization started production of the tropical fruit four years ago and started exporting as of last December.

"Late last year we initiated out export operation from out export plant, and so we have only been shipping pineapples to Europe and Chile for seven months," he said.

Although the company has been selling its fruit to international markets for a relatively short time, its strategy has been aggressive. HU5A0370_ok-300x200

"For the 2016 season we expect to produce 23,000 metric tons (MT). Of this volume, and according to our strategy, 20,200MT will be destined for sale as fresh fruit with 55% of that destined for international markets," he said.

"Seven weeks ago we began exporting to the U.S. and it is a market that we entered in a very good moment, since demand is surpassing supply, mainly because Costa Rica is producing less.

"We have seen that there is strong demand and good prices for the fruit, and this is what incentivized us to begin the export program of our fruit to the U.S."

Currently 40% of Bengala Agrícola's pineapple exports are sent to Europe, with 35% going to Chile, 25% to the U.S. and 1% to the Caribbean.

The company grows the Golden M2 variety, which Lopez praised for its sweetness and aroma.

Bengala Agrícola's plantation expansion plans are also ambitious, with the goal of doubling up from 500 hectares to 1,000 next year. The expansion is part of a partnership project with various other growers in the Cauca Valley.

HU5A0286_ok-300x212"To continue growing we need to have more surface are and so we decided to create a partnership with local growers, who we will help by providing them with seeds, technical assistance, training, support, and then buying their fruit," he said.

"The idea is that we strengthen ourselves together."

The company is also developing processing technologies to sell the fruit as pulp, concentrate, conserves, sauces and other value-added products to sell in international markets.

"We are planning to open our processing plant in August and begin exports immediately," Lopez said.

"We will use 2,200MT of pineapples, or 12% of total production, for this new business arm."

Colombia currently has around 14,000 hectares of pineapple plantations, of which 5,000 relates to the Golden variety.


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