Ecuador to export first mango shipments to China this week

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Ecuador to export first mango shipments to China this week

With a harvest that has been running 15 days earlier than last year due to warm temperatures, Ecuador has kicked off its mango campaign. mango-shutterstock_224497945-npanorama

FundaciĂ³n Mango president Sergio Cedeño told the first 24 containers have already left for the markets of the U.S. and Europe, but the biggest development was the opening of China that was announced this year.

"Ecuadorian mangoes are already approved to enter China and this week the first aifreight shipments to China will start," Cedeño said.

"Those are the first commercial shipments but some shipments will also be trialed via seafreight in two or three weeks' time with controlled atmosphere to verify whether the mangoes can arrive in excellent condition this way as airfreight is very expensive."

The industry body was present at Asia Fruit Logistica in Hong Kong last month where contact was made with potential customers.

The executive said Chinese consumers like the Tommy Atkins variety because of its red color, while in Europe the variety Kent was more in demand.

"The start of the season is always slow. I think this week we'll be sending [worldwide] a slightly higher quantity.

"Production last year was 11.4 million boxes, and we hope this year will be very similar or greater. Maybe we'll reach 12 million but there isn't much difference.

While Ecuador competes mainly with Mexico and Brazil in the United States, Cedeño said the window was fairly open.

"Mexico has now finished. We were worried because Mexico kept sending fruit to the West Coast of the United States, but we have been now been informed that Mexico has finished its harvest, which leaves the West Coast free for Ecuador.

"Once Mexico finishes, Ecuador starts.

"Brazil continues shipping to the East Coast. We expect they will finish in October as it happens every year."


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