U.S.: United Fresh congratulates President-Elect Donald Trump

Produce industry advocacy group United Fresh has welcomed the opportunity to work with the country's newly elected leaders on key issues affecting the sector, including food safety and immigration reform.
In a statement released today, the organization's senior vice president for public policy Robert Guenther gave his thoughts on the path forward after what has been a turbulent election.
"“A lot has been said about this election – historic, unprecedented, amusing, and ugly – but at the end of the day, we take pride in our individual right to every four years vote for a new leader of our great nation," Guenther said.
"Yesterday was no different. We congratulate President-Elect Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party on their victory and look forward to working with them as they begin the daunting task of bringing this country together for the betterment of all.
"In addition, we salute those elected to the 115th Congress and hope they also embrace the opportunity to work together to address some of the most important issues our industry will face in the next several years."
He said the group also welcomed the opportunity to work with Trump and the newly elected Senate on issues such as nutrition, federal agricultural policy, international trade and tax reform policy.
"We are honored to be your voice in the nations’ capitol, working day-in and day-out in a bipartisan manner on an unwavering produce industry public policy agenda," he said.
"We believe this is one of the most valuable strengths we offer to our association’s membership by bringing all friends to the table – Republican and Democrat, rural and urban, liberal and conservative.
"In turn, with any new election, our industry needs to continue building strong relationships and develop new ones that are vital to our success in enacting policy initiatives that promote our ability to deliver the most nutritious and abundant food supply to the American consumer."
Guenther also urged industry representatives to write thank you notes for all candidates who have committed to public service in 2016.
"There is an abundance of work to do in the days, weeks and years to come. United Fresh is up to the challenge and we look forward to meeting our newly elected officials at the table for the betterments of all," he said.
One important platform of Donald Trump's campaign was his criticisms of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which raised some concerns due to the country's considerable produce trade with Mexico.
In a statement, Fresh Produce Association of the Americas (FPAA) president Lance Jungmeyer highlighted Mexico was a trusted source for fruits and vegetables.
"FPAA remains focused on the issues of market access and streamlining regulatory policies that inhibit fair and efficient trade," he said.
"In our role representing U.S.-based distributors, we will continue to work with the Federal government to ensure that American consumers have plentiful access to fresh produce, year round."
Photo: Gage Skidmore, via Wikimedia Creative Commons