Brown rot-causing pathogen detected in Aussie nectarines, say Chinese authorities

Chinese authorities say they have detected the Monilinia fructicola plant pathogen in a shipment of Australian nectarines that was imported into the country last month.
The pathogen causes brown rot in stonefruit and other crops.
An announcement from the Shenzhen Enter-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau said the consignment was initially inspected on Feb. 5.
Australian nectarine shippers have been exporting directly to mainland China for the first time this season, after the two countries signed export protocols in May last year following more than a decade of negotiations.
The Enter-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau said that as the pathogen did not occur in China, it could harm the Chinese agricultural industry if it entered the country.
China will therefore bolster inspections of Australian nectarine shipments for all Chinese ports of entry, the announcement said.
However, Summerfruit Australia CEO John Moore has said the claims about the detection are unsubstantiated and that Australian authorities were never informed about the alleged incident, which he said is required to happen under the protocol agreement.
He declined to give further comment on the issue.